
Monday, 24 December 2012

At Home with Henry - Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Feeling festive! 

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the festive season. I know I am, I have already eaten my way through a bag of carrots and am looking forward to a relaxed day tomorrow. 

This last month has been a busy one for the two leggeds, with all of their end of year functions. It's been a nice month for me too. My brother, George, came over and had a ride with me, which was lots of fun. I love it when friends visit! I have also had a number of different people come and ride me. I don't mind, it is always fun meeting new people and I like showing everyone how I jump. They all seem to know I like eating carrots too and bring some for me each time! Score!

I also now have my very own pony! Her name is Ellie. She can be a bit mean to me and she likes to squeal a lot (women!). But isn't she so pretty?

Ellie is here to give riding lessons to little kids. Mum says it's not long and I will be able to do the same. I am looking forward to it very much, as I love little two leggeds! Whenever I compete at a Pony Club competition, they all come over and pat me. :-)

Mum helped me write a letter to Santa earlier. I hope he finds his way here tonight!

Dear Santa, 

Hi, it's Henry here. I have been really good this year. I know I used to be naughty sometimes, but I am all grown up now, so those days are over! All year I wanted my own pony, but now I have this year, I would like the following: 

A huge bag of carrots. They are my favourite!

As many bales of lucerne as you can fit in! 
(I promise to share with the other horses)

Some new brushes to scratch my itches

Also, please make Alex better. He's had a cough for a while now, it would be nice if he is better in time for the New Year. 

Please bring my two legged family lots of nice things too. 

Lots of love,
Henry xx

I hope Santa brings you everything you want! 
Merry Christmas and wishing everyone a wonderful 2013. 

The Domestic Horsewife - December 2012

Merry Christmas everyone!

This month's recipe is perhaps not really a recipe, but more of a serving suggestion. 

Ever been stuck on an idea for a quick platter to take along to an end of year function? 

Here's one that's oh so easy and very popular!

The Haybale's Easy Fruit with Dipping Chocolate


1 220g jar of Nutella spread 

1 bowl of cherries (or indeed, any other of your favourite fruit). I personally love cherries and they have been very good this year


Arrange cherries in a platter or basket. 

Put contents of Nutella into a small serving dish. 

Serve. Ta-da! :)


Friday, 7 December 2012

Horsey Happenings - December 2012

Happy Summer everyone!

Finally getting a chance to sit down in front of the keyboard and reflect on what has been a busy year. Although I have not been out competing for the last couple of months, there's certainly been a lot happening on the horsey front. 

Firstly, some introductions. There have been some recent additions to the herd. Meet Ellie and Zena. These two lovely ladies form part of our little team of school ponies. 

Zena is a 7yo New Forest mare. She is currently early into her education and wearing "L" plates, but is a lovely quiet little mare. She will be a lesson pony once she is educated. 

Elcarim Starlight, aka Zena

Ellie is at the other end of the experience scale and is a 23yo Riding Pony mare. She's been there and done that and will be a valuable addition to our team! Ellie is looking forward to teaching children the ropes of riding and horse care. Ellie no doubt will be popular this summer for children's lessons! 

Elm Tree Elegance aka Ellie

In other exciting news I have now finished my NCAS Introductory Coaching qualification! The last couple of months has seen me teaching a lot locally - I've been to Harcourt and Mandurang South Pony Clubs as well as Castlemaine and Maryborough Adult Riding Clubs, as well as some private clients. I am enjoying the challenge and next year have some exciting clinics and rallies booked up - bring it on! Now the hard work towards my NCAS L1G the meantime, I am now organised to take on beginners for lessons - looking forward to this new chapter and the rewards of setting up my own business. I have also spent some time on the other side of "C" - in the judge's car! I had a very enjoyable morning at Bealiba Pony Club's dressage day, seeing many horses and riders out having fun. 

Enjoying the Christmas rally at Mandurang PC! 

Although I have not been out competing recently, Snip has! He and Harriet are going great guns. They placed second in the grade two at  Kyneton Pony Club Horse Trials and then won at the Maryborough short course interschool competition! I'm so pleased to see Snippy out doing well and being totally spoilt! They also recently went to a Clayton Fredericks clinic when he was recently in Melbourne. :)

A win at the Interschools comp for Harriet and Snip
In action at the recent Clayton Fredericks clinic
On the home front, Henry has been having a quiet time (as he recently told you about!). This will change soon (no doubt much to his disgust!) and it will be time to start getting him fit for the early 2013 competitions. In other good news, Alex has recovered from his cough and is back in light work. The aim for him will be to have some low key outings next year and hopefully, to get to his first competition. 

So now it's time to start planning for another busy year...and time to get my Christmas shopping done!

Enjoy the festive season...til next time! 
